A place of service for Buddhists, and a space to facilitate the development of Buddhism and education of Traditional Chinese Culture for the wider community.
Founder of Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Yang Arya Aryamaitri Mahasthavira was born in Bandung on the 17th of December in 1960. Prior to becoming a monk, he graduated from Maranatha Christian University’s Faculty of Medicine. In 1984, he was ordained at Wihara Sakyawanaram, Pacet-Cianjur.
The following is a list of Y.A. Aryamaitri Mahasthavira’s past and current roles within the Buddhist community:
1984 – 1988: He served in Sagin Rayon I (covering the provinces: Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and Riau)
1987 – 2002: Maha Lekhanadikari (Secretary General) Sagin
1988 – Present: Advisor and/or Head of Trustees at Yayasan Ashin Jinarakkhita, the Yayasan Triyanavardhana Indonesia, Yayasan Dharma Pembangunan, and other Buddhist foundations in various regions
1992 – 1994: Chairman of DPP Walubi, the Indonesian Buddhist Trust
1995 – 2012: Executive Committee Member of WBSC (World Buddhist Sangha Council)
1995 – Present: Founder of Wihara Ekayana Arama – Indonesia Buddhist Centre
1998 – Present: Founder of KASI (Konferensi Agung Sangha Indonesia)
As a Advisor or Head of Trustees at the Ashin Jinarakkhita Foundation, the Triyanavardhana Indonesia Foundation, the 1988 Dharma Development Foundation, and other foundations in various regions.
2002 – 2007: Anu Maha Nayaka (Vice Chairman) Sagin
2007 – 2012: President Sagin
2012 – Present: Council of Upajjhaya & Acariya Sagin
2012 – Present: Vice President of WBSC
Presently held positions also include
Chairman of the Trustees at Yayasan Karaniya Jakarta
Present: Chief Trustee at Yayasan Belas Kasih Buddha in Jakarta.
Person in Charge of
Wihara Ekayana Arama – Indonesia Buddhist Center, West Jakarta
Wihara Kong Hua Sie, West Jakarta,
Wihara Kesejahteraan, Kosambi Baru, West Jakarta
Wihara Ratana Stupa Agung, Sunggal, Medan
Wihara Ekayana Serpong, Tangerang
Pondok Sadhana Amitayus , Bogor
Pondok Sadhana Suddhi Bhavana, West Bandung
Prasada Mandala Dharma, Temanggung
Head of Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Yang Arya Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira was born in Bagansiapiapi, Riau, Sumatra, in 1977. He became a monk at the age of 22 and since then had studied Buddhism at the Tainan Pure Land Learning Center in Taiwan for 3 years, and at Australia Pure Land Learning Center (Australia) for 2 years. In his studies of Pureland Buddhism, he delved Mahayana Sutras like the Amitabha Buddha Sutra, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra amongst others. Outside of Indonesia, Bhiksu Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira has preached the Dharma in several countries such as
Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan. Y.A. Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira is very supportive in the development and education of Buddhism and Traditional Chinese Culture. Ever since becoming ordained, he has also established the following:
The Memorial Hall of Thousands Chinese Ancestors at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru in Jakarta
Yayasan Buddhamahadasa Buddhist Education Center, which is active in the printing of Buddhist books
Pusat Pendidikan Budi Pekerti (Chinese Traditional Learning Center) at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
The following is a list of Y.A. Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira’s current roles within the Buddhist community:
Chairman of the Sangha Organization in NTB Lombok
-Head of Yayasan Buddhamahadasa Buddhist Education Center
Head of Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru in Jakarta
Advisor of Pusat Pendidikan Budi Pekerti at the Chinese Traditional Learning Center at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
A brief history of the Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Vision & Mission
Vision & Mission of the Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Facilities available at the Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Organizational Structure
Organizational Structure of the
Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru
Photo collection of events that were
hosted by Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru