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A History of Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru

Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru is a center for Buddhist education, practice and services. Since its founding in 2013, Wihara Kesejahteraan has also been involved in propagating traditional Chinese culture in addition to spreading the teachings of Dharma.  


The Chinese name for the Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru is 印尼廣化萬佛寺, the meaning of the name is:  

印尼 (yin ni): Indonesia

廣化 (guang hua): Guang Hua School of Buddhism in China

(wan): tens of thousands 

(fo): Buddha 

(si): Monastery ​

Originally, Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru known officially as Kelenteng Hok Tek, which provided services for Buddhists in the surrounding area.

In 2000, the temple which then only had one simple baktisala, began to be neatly organized by the Bhikkhu in charge. Since then, activities such as meditation training and retreats, public Buddhist services, and Dharma lectures and Buddhist Youth

development programs started to be held.

In 2002, the renovation of Wihara

Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru was carried out by building an additional prayer hall next to the main baktisala. With the increased frequency of both Mahayana and Theravada ritual services, the temple saw a corresponding increase in the number of its visitors who came to practice Buddhism.

Today, Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru is led by YA Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira, who carried out the revamping of the temple in 2012, and led its inauguration in 2013. With the formation of the Youth Organization at the temple, the founding of the Children’s Sunday School, the construction of the Columbarium as well as opportunities for community service and celebrations on big days such as Vesak and Chinese New Year, Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru has now become a common place of practice for many families and individuals in the Buddhist community around Kosambi and beyond. The additional baktisala that was built in 2002 was given the new name 

Ancestral Baktisala ( 萬姓祖先紀念堂), where thousands of memorial tablets are installed as a sign of devotion in memory of the ancestors of Chinese descent, and as a space for Buddhist and Traditional Chinese Culture education.

In addition to the Ancestral Baktisala, several facilities have been built to serve the people: the Columbarium (孝恩堂) to house the ashes of deceased loved ones, 5 classrooms to hold weekly classes about traditional Chinese morals and ethics for children and their parent, as well as a kuti room for members of the Sangha to live in.

In realizing the vision and mission of the Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru, YA Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira has been assisted by volunteers in the Wihara Kesejahteraan Management, consisting of divisions of which details can be found in Organizational Structure page of this website

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