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Profile of the Youth Organization at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru

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Youth Organization at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi Baru

Wihara Kesejahteraan Youths is an organization that assists in organizing and/or supporting activities that are carried out at Wihara Kesejahteraan Kosambi together with other Wihara Kesejahteraan volunteers.

The organization was formed to serve as a space for young Buddhists to grow together and socialize with their peers. The Wihara Kesejahteraan Youths also aim to engage in activities that will help in the development and spread of the Dhamma.

To be a community of morally qualified Buddhist youths who play an active role in their surrounding environments, and hold fast to the Buddha Dharma.

1. Empowering young Buddhists to become active people who care about theier surrounding environment
2. Facilitating discussions and communication forums for young Buddhists
3. Become a community based on the Dharma that can improve the quality of individual young Buddhists

4. Practice and develop compassion in line with the Buddha Dharma

Wihara Kesejahteraan Youths Management

Founder: Bhikkhu Nyanabodhi Mahasthavira
Advisors : Barry Linando, Erwandi Wijaya
Chairman : Juvianto
Vice Chairman: Yansky
Secretary : Jaceline Chan
Treasurer : Cindy Natasya
Sports Section : Fernardi Vincentius
PDSM : Shirley Ennis Lim, Callista Kurnadi

Contact the Wihara Kesejahteraan Youths :

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